Lost or Stolen Belongings Abroad
Before you leave Canada, photocopy the identification page of your passport and other travel documents. Write down the numbers of your credit and debit cards. Carry this information separately from the originals and leave copies at home.
Lost or stolen credit or debit cards and money
Cancel all cards as soon as possible to prevent further loss. Notify the company that issued any lost or stolen traveller’s cheques. If a joint transaction card is missing, inform the second cardholder at once. Obtain a police report, as it may be needed if a card is used before you can cancel it.
If necessary, arrange for a transfer from your bank or other private source using a commercial agency such as Western Union. See Financial assistance for more information.
Lost or stolen passports
If your passport or travel document is lost or stolen, Canadian government offices abroad can issue you an emergency travel document or a temporary passport if you are in urgent, proven need and are stranded in a foreign country. Please see Lost, stolen, inaccessible, damaged or found passports.
Replacing lost or stolen documents
Most government-issued documents (driver’s licence, birth certificate, health card, social insurance card) can only be replaced in Canada.
For a travel ticket, contact the issuing airline, railway company or bus line immediately to see if it is possible to replace it. Notify your insurance agent if the fare is insured.
If someone is arrested for stealing your belongings
You may be required to give testimony and attend legal proceedings. As in Canada, legal proceedings may be prolonged.
Lost and found items
Canadian officials abroad will help to return items that are lost or found at Canadian government offices abroad, which are held for 30 days.
source: travel.gc.ca